Q & A

Q: Does it get dark enough down there to see any stars?
A: No it does not. Even during the middle of the night, the sun is out and shining. The only time it "darkens" is when clouds or storms move through and block the sun. But even then, the light level is only that of early evening before sunset.

Q: Or will it get dark enough by the time you leave to see stars?
A: It will not. McMurdo's next sunset is expected to occur on February 21, 2012, a couple weeks after I am scheduled to leave.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from McMurdo!

Other than people saying "Happy Thanksgiving!" to each other yesterday, it was just another work day for us.  We will officially observe the holiday on Saturday the 26th (Friday in the US) with a day off and a special dinner put together by the chow hall staff.  Some weather moved in a couple days ago and shut down air operations right before the weekly resupply of fresh fruits and vegetables was to arrive, so it'll be interesting to see what kind of meal they put together.  Since the chow hall can't seat everybody at once, the meal is being served in 2 hour shifts (3, 5, 7, and 9pm) and people had to sign up for a seating or for a particular time to pick up a take out plate.

Have a safe holiday!

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